Monday, February 28, 2011

Bella's Baby Buttons

Can I just tell you how much I love babies?  I really think that I could spend an entire lifetime doing nothing but holding, snuggling, cuddling, cooing at, smiling at, and nuzzling those perfect little angels.  I don't know what it is, but I seem to come alive when I get to spend time with them. 

I can think of no better way to indulge in this lovely cuddly obsession of mine than to open the business to a plan in which I get to pour out all my baby affection as much as possible!  Well, I could have another of my own, but that would mean my family would outgrow the car... and the dining room table.... among other things.  Better option~


What is it?  Milestones.  That's it.  It really is simple.  Bella's Baby Buttons is a program where we mark the milestones of your little one.  This isn't about Anne Geddes dressing up newborns like butterflies and peas in a pod (though that was ridiculously cute!!!)... but it's about capturing your little ones in all their perfection as they really are. 

Basically, here's the deal.  That first year only happens once...  The moments are fleeting, and the transformation to childhood happens so quickly! Bella's Baby Buttons program was designed to capture those milestones, as well as give you the opportunity to purchase 4 beautiful custom designed gifts commemorating each new season.

Check out the website for a full list of details...

And tell your friends, there is a photographer here in town who is just itching to love on their babies!

Thursday, February 24, 2011

On to the next~

It's mid-February ... the beginning of 'all things new'.  I don't know what it is about February that makes me feel that way.  Maybe it's because that's when my birthday is, and with one year older I feel I have to start all things over.  I don't know. 

The new business is really starting to take shape.  The branding and website are finished, and the hard supplies for my welcome packets arrives today.  I'm really excited about that one.  It's going to be like Christmas.  I know I'm a dork, but I can't help but experience joy and ellation with the purchase of..... drumroll please..... office supplies.  (Geek Alert!!!)  Arriving today are the folders, and various envelopes (in various sizes with specific branding colors).  I've already printed the documents, and now I only need to print the booklets, display cards and other 'what-nots' that go into this carefully designed packet.  LOVE IT.

On another note - still photo related but more family related - my Project Life album came in last week and I am CRAZY in love with this one.  Oh, man!  I've always been a picture nut when it came to my kids, but I've recently struggled with the idea of how to get an album together with pictures from my family's life that captures the entire year?.... And what do I do with all those pictures that I've taken?..... And what about the soccer pictures that are more snapshots than portraits?...... And what about the little moments?

I felt like I was missing so much of my family's life because I wasn't preserving it to be viewed later.  So, like so many of us, I snapped away at everything.  And now all those files are on my computer.  I can't exactly purge them out because I had no place to put them.  ENTER PROJECT LIFE....

If you're interested in hearing more about it, head over to the family blog.  I'll be posting pictures and descriptions there.

Wednesday, February 9, 2011

Website~the process...

It was such an ordeal!
There were a great many... MANY... late nights working with all the details that go along with creating a professional website.  Those of you who know me would understand.  I'm a perfectionist.  And I just won't settle for something if it's not right. 
At this point I'll mention that it still has some fine-tuning.  There are a couple of images on the site that aren't displaying as sharply as they should.  Those have to be taken care of.  And there's a couple of images that need changed out...  it's on my daily-reviewed 'to do' list.  But in the end, I'm happy with what I have.  It's a good reflection of me.  It's well branded.  It feels complete.  And - in general - I love it. 

On to the next project!!! 

My husband hates that phrase... inevitably it means that there's more work coming!  (insert wicked little snicker here)...  I'm just kidding.  It is true though.  He has his projects, and I have mine - all leading our family deeper into this business of photography. 

What's his project?
You know, that answer varies from day to day based on what need is most pressing.  If you know anything about "The Peach House", you'd know that the whole darn thing is an amazing work in progress.  And yes, the peaches are still there....for now.  Lately we've been painting.  Everything.  First was my kitchen - then the studio.  Now, we're on to the hallway, and the living room.  Both are getting major cosmetic rejuvenations!  The living room is attached to my studio, and I want to be able to shoot in there, also.  Ah, yes.  Two birds - one stone.... extend my shooting square footage and update the living room.  YEAH!!  Somewhere in there is the main bathroom which is still in the middle of a major remodel.  We're talking down to the studs, people.  That's high on the priority list, as well. 

What's my project?
At this point I have a lot going on.  Ordering materials, samples, equipment (YAY new soft box light, and DOUBLE YAY upgraded Photoshop to CS5 - that's a big deal).  Then there's the senior branding, which all has to be designed and printed, along with the site design (more late nights).... and then - MARKETING PLAN.  Yes, folks, it's true.  There's no business without good marketing.  And 2011 is my year to market.  I need more clients.  Steady clients.  Maternity, newborns, children, families, seniors, and weddings....DEFINITELY weddings.  Derrick and I both want to build the weddings portfolio and start offering the people getting married in this area more than what's here.  More about that later.  Seriously...  soon. 

Back on the subject - clients... so I'm preparing for 2011 to be busy.  And I'm TOTALLY looking forward to it!

Saturday, February 5, 2011

The Website

IS LIVE!!!!! 
Can anyone say Wahoo?  You can check it out at

More about the process soon....
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