Tuesday, May 10, 2011

2011 Ballet and Jazz Portraits ~

One of my favorite things in the entire world is dance.  I love the expression... the emotion... the power of dance!  I always have.  One of my favorite childhood memories was the day I was sitting in my bedroom by myself, and my daddy brought me a present.  It was for no reason... not a birthday or any other holiday.  It was just because he loved me.  When he pulled it out, it was a porcelain ballerina from swan lake that was about 12 inches tall.  When I wound her up, she would spin to the theme song from the ballet.  Oh, I loved that gift.

My daughter has taken a dear love of ballet, as well.  She's not a huge fan of her tap class - hence the reason there are no pictures of her in her tap shoes - but she loves her ballet.  She flutters and gracefully spins all over my house... and I love it.

Here are her dance pictures for this year ~

This is my favorite of her...

This is her favorite:

Yes, that's eye liner.  She had just come from her dress rehearsal when we shot these.  NOT an everyday occurance... just in case you're wondering!

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