Monday, July 19, 2010

New Baby Claire

Anyone who knows me understands how much I L-O-V-E babies.  I can't express how thrilled I was to shoot this beautiful lady.  Her name: Alyssa Claire Langley.  Her birthday: June 26, 2010.  She was 12 days old for this shoot. 

She was a funny little lady!  Oooooooohhh, did she NOT like being naked!  And I remembered how new babies can take all of our best laid plans and flip them upside down.  It was a long shoot, but in the end, the images we came away were not only timeless in many ways, but could not, and will never be reproduced. 

I could, at this time, produce a cliche full of catch phrases and boring statements that really mean nothing.  Instead, let me explain what I believe photography should do. 

Great photography should take a moment and somehow stop time.  When I look at the snapshots my daddy used to take when I was a kid, somehow I'm transported to that moment.  Good photography is, in my mind, doing what everyone else is trending on.  Great photography stops time. 

Claire will never again be this small, and this moment with her daddy will never happen again.

I absolutely adored everything about this shoot.  From the hours spent preparing, to the hours spent with little Claire, to the hours spent scrutinizing the images - processing and post-processing.  I loved all of it!  Here are some of my favorite images from the shoot.

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